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Купить книгу Clinical Trials Handbook. Design and Conduct, автора
Clinical Trials Handbook. Design and Conduct
A systematic approach to all aspects of designing and conducting clinical trials The success or failure of clinical trials hinges on hundreds of details that need to be developed, often under less than ideal conditions. Written by one of the world's leading trialists, Clinical Trials Handbook: Design and Conduct provides clinicians with a complete guide to designing, conducting, and evaluating clinical trials—teaching them how to simplify the process and avoid costly mistakes. The author draws on his extensive clinical trials experience to outline all steps employed in setting up and running clinical trials, from budgeting and fundraising to publishing the results. Along the way, practical advice is offered while also addressing a mix of logistical, ethical, psychological, behavioral, and administrative issues inherent to clinical trials. Topics of coverage include: Protocols for drug masking, controls, and treatment randomization Consent, enrollment, eligibility, and follow-up procedures Different types of sample size design and data collection and processing Working with study centers, research staff, and various committees Monitoring treatment effects and performance, and ensuring quality control Data analysis and access policies for study data and documents Clinical Trials Handbook is invaluable for practicing clinicians and trialists who would like to learn more about or improve their understanding of the design and execution of clinical trials. The book is also an excellent supplement for courses on clinical trials at the graduate level.
Купить книгу Тайные учения всех времен. Энциклопедическое изложение герметической, каббалистической и розенкрейцерской символической философии, автора Мэнли П. Холла
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Тайные учения всех времен. Энциклопедическое изложение герметической, каббалистической и розенкрейцерской символической философии
Полная энциклопедия античной мифологии, тайных обществ и секретного символизма, написанная Мэнли П. Холлом, со времени первого издания в 1928 году стала классикой мировой литературы. Она переведена на все основные языки мира, а ее совокупный тираж превысил 1 000 000 экземпляров. Это издание представляет собой квинтэссенцию колоссального объема сведений, в нем освещены практически все учения и догмы – от пифагорейской философии, египетских и греческих мистерий, масонской, каббалистической и розенкрейцеровской доктрин до Зодиака, Таро, Каббалы, алхимических ритуалов, а также языческого, христианского и исламского мистицизма. Многочисленные иллюстрации и отрывки из подлинных текстов мистических сочинений добавляют великолепия всеобъемлющему повествованию.
Купить книгу Советская гаубица Д-30. Шедевр отечественной артиллерии, автора Анатолия Сорокина
Советская гаубица Д-30. Шедевр отечественной артиллерии
122-мм гаубица Д‑30 по праву названа лучшим орудием второй половины ХХ века в своем классе. Эта система, разработанная в 1955–1960 гг. конструкторским бюро завода № 9 под руководством Ф. Ф. Петрова, начала поступать в Советскую Армию с 1963 г. и с тех пор неизменно находится на службе и в арсеналах отечественных Вооруженных Сил.
Купить книгу Новый мусор как угроза захламления и отравления планеты, автора В. И. Романова
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Новый мусор как угроза захламления и отравления планеты
Книга посвящена изучению и анализу одной из актуальнейших проблем современности – захламлению и отравлению биосферы планеты отходами цивилизации. Особенно остро «мусорная» проблема проявилась после освоения технологий переработки углеводородов и широкого использования их в производстве полимерных материалов и токсичных продуктов на их основе. Эти вещества и продукты, попадая после использования на свалки и мусорные полигоны, отравляют и захламляют землю, водные объекты и воздух. Освоение околоземного космического пространства и насыщение его орбитальной техникой привело к его захламлению орбитальными отходами.
Купить книгу Средства индивидуальной бронезащиты. Книга I. История доспеха, автора Виктора Дика
Средства индивидуальной бронезащиты. Книга I. История доспеха
Содержит справочную информацию по доспехам древности, исторической индивидуальной бронезащите, бронежилетам, защитным шлемам и щитам современности.
Купить книгу Copyediting and Proofreading For Dummies, автора Suzanne  Gilad
Copyediting and Proofreading For Dummies
Turn your knack for language into a lucrative career Must-know techniques and resources for maximizing your accuracy and speed Interested in becoming a copyeditor or proofreader? Want to know more about what each job entails? This friendly guide helps you position yourself for success. Polish your skills, build a winning résumé and land the job you've always wanted. Books, magazines, Web sites, corporate documents – find out how to improve any type of publication and make yourself indispensable to writers, editors, and your boss. Balance between style and rules Master the art of the query Use proofreader symbols Edit and proof electronic documents Build a solid freelancing career
Купить книгу Being The Best Man For Dummies, автора Dominic  Bliss
Being The Best Man For Dummies
Being best man is both an honour and a huge responsibility – if you think it's just a case of buying a few beers on a lad's night out, think again! You'e got a lot of organising to do, there's etiquette to follow and, of course, the dreaded speech to make. Fear not, however, as Being the Best Man For Dummies is here to help. It's a humorous, yet information-packed step-by-step guide to your role and responsibilities, from organising the stag night (or weekend) right through to the big day itself. It also gives tips and advice for you to give the best speech you can.
Купить книгу Уралмаш – Лондон, или Семнадцать…, автора Александры Ашихминой
Уралмаш – Лондон, или Семнадцать…
Предлагаемое издание – необычный гид для российских школьников и выпускников, планирующих продолжить образование за границей. Первая часть книги представляет собой дневник девушки, поступившей в один из лондонских колледжей и вступающей в самостоятельную жизнь. Во второй части даны инструкции и пояснения по многим конкретным вопросам, начиная от оформления необходимых документов и заканчивая советами по экономии средств.
Купить книгу Wedding Planning For Dummies, автора Marcy  Blum
Wedding Planning For Dummies
The bestselling wedding planning guide—now updated! Congratulations, you're planning a wedding! Besides obtaining a fancy tuxedo and a stunning gown, organizing a wedding ceremony takes creativity, planning, and diplomacy. The whole ordeal can seem overwhelming at first, but with lots of guidance, you'll plan a wedding people will remember for ages. Wedding Planning For Dummies demystifies and simplifies all the details that go into the Big Day, providing inspiration and innovative ideas to personalize your wedding celebration and, of course, make it fun for everyone–especially you! Expert wedding planner Marcy Blum walks you step-by-step through everything you'll encounter as you plan your wedding, from choosing a reception site to picking a photographer—and everything in between. 20% new and updated content Keep track of expenses with a wedding budget Negotiate contracts and surf online for wedding deals Get those pesky financial technicalities out of the way Plan a weekend wedding, a themed wedding, same sex wedding, and other celebrations Plan for various wedding customs and rites Throw a great reception with music, food, drink, and cake The 4-1-1 on the latest and greatest trends in wedding registries, rings, photos, and the honeymoon Packed with tips for saving money and common kitsch you should avoid, this is the ultimate guide to satisfying everyone on the Big Day—while making all of your fairytale dreams come true.
Купить книгу Wedding Etiquette For Dummies, автора Sue  Fox
Wedding Etiquette For Dummies
Your expert guide to the dos and don'ts of getting married Your wedding should be fun, exciting, and worry-free-but most brides, grooms, and their families run into sticky situations or unique circumstances that surround etiquette. Now, there's a definitive guide that provides the solutionsfor all those dilemmas big and small. Wedding Etiquette For Dummies provides sound information and guidance-whether it's deciding how to handle divorced parents, inform guests of where the couple is registered, or tastefully incorporate new traditions into your ceremony and reception. You get plenty of proven advice and tips for everything from who pays for the wedding and properly announcing the engagement to hosting events leading up to the wedding and dealing with destination wedding snags and pitfalls. You'll even see how to gracefully handle wedding cancellations and postponements. The dos and don'ts of wedding etiquette for any bride, groom, relatives, or friends of the marrying couple Tips for proper behavior during the engagement, ceremony, and reception Advice on dealing with the wedding party and opinionated or pushy in-laws Special considerations for second (or more) marriages and military, ethnic, and religious weddings How to set up a tasteful, interactive wedding website and write the all important thank you note Sue Fox is the author of Etiquette For Dummies, 2nd Edition and Business Etiquette For Dummies, 2nd Edition Leaving no wedding dilemma uncovered, Wedding Etiquette For Dummies is your one-stop guide for having the wedding of your dreams without the stress!
Купить книгу Budget Weddings For Dummies, автора Meg  Schneider
Budget Weddings For Dummies
Don’t let ‘white blindness’ drive you into debt! Make your wedding everything you want it to be on the budget you determine. Are you planning a wedding, but worried about how much money you'll have to spend? In today's tough economic times, planning a budget wedding is more important than ever. This fun, money-saving guide is packed with tips for planning the wedding of your dreams without breaking your bank account! Inside you'll find tons of tips and advice for planning a budget-friendly celebration while still remaining true to your personality, values, and tastes. You'll see how to make and keep your wedding budget; select the most economical time to get married; scope out wedding locations that fit the bill; and incorporate everything from economical to green ideas that emphasize style and elegance. Plus, you get tips and pointers for negotiating with vendors and avoiding hidden expenses and add-ons. Hands-on information for planning a stylish wedding while sticking to your budget How to get deals on gowns, tuxes, cakes, invitations, photography, food, and more Use your creativity (and friends and family) to save money on decorations, food, favors, and wedding attire Cut corners where no one will notice Set your own priorities for your big day Make your celebration unique You don't have to settle for less on your wedding day. Author, Meg Schneider is an award-winning journalist who planned her own wedding for less than $5,000 Budget Weddings For Dummies is the only guide you need to save yourself money, time, and stress while you plan a beautiful, memorable ceremony!
Купить книгу The Royal Wedding For Dummies, автора Julian  Knight
The Royal Wedding For Dummies
The fun, slightly irreverent guide to enjoying, understanding, and joining the festivities. Content includes: A brief biography of the happy couple – of course Royal wedding fact sheets featuring in-depth explanations of the customs, rules of etiquette, and history on display during the events An inside look at Westminster Abbey – the building, the history, and the weddings A lively account of royal weddings of the past – with a score card ranking the ultimate results – including a look at other royal/commoner romances «Where did they go?» Royal honeymoons of the past A «Know Your Heads of State and Hangers-On» section perfect for figuring out who's at the events A guide to planning and holding a street party that will bring back memories from the past A recipe section with great takes on traditional British fare perfect for a party Royal trivia sure to tax the talents of young and old alike An «If you're going» guide featuring The best places to get a glimpse of the revelry in person Great places to grab a pint or glass of wine and soak in the atmosphere Tips on getting around London easily and safely on the big day